
Your Creativity is HERE for a Reason

You and your beautiful creativity have landed on my page. You are here for a reason. Our paths have crossed and there is no undoing that wondrous fate.

The challenges that come with being a creative are some that I know all too well. Feelings of not being good enough, feelings surrounding the fact that someone has already written it, drawn it, or created it so WHAT’S THE POINT in sharing your own creativity?

I’ll tell you what the point is.


YOU are the only one who can write the story. YOU are the only one who can build that world just as it is. YOU are the only one stopping you from becoming the artist the world needs to see, that the world needs on their bookshelves.

Yes, writers are artists. We craft and create the WORDS that put together a stunning visual image unlike any other. Nothing and no one will stop our endeavors. We live and thrive in different worlds. In our heads, we hear different characters speak to us, and the joy comes in the scary, vulnerable thing that is sharing our creations.

You were born with this creative outlet and, I’m here to tell you, that YOUR creativity is HERE for a reason.

Now, what are you waiting for? Are you going to let your life slide by while you put your passion to the side? No. You will write, you will create, and you will be the best version of yourself that you can be, whether you become or published or not.

Pick up the pen, the pencil, the paper, the laptop, the stylus, the chalk – start your story NOW.

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This message brought to you by the Hold it Write There creator,
Lisa Karsen


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