
Writing with a Purpose

What happens when we find ourselves unmotivated, dealing with outside circumstances, or feeling like an imposter? As creators, we have to look back to our goals and our original WHY.

We’ve all been there, feeling like we’re not good enough, dealing with sh*t outside of our control, feeling like someone has already written this better me; why am I even trying? Being a writer, especially one who is trying to break into the industry, can be challenging and isolating. Being alone with only the thoughts in your head can easily leave projects unfinished.

What about the creators who just want to finish a project? Maybe there is no desire to become a NYTimes best-seller or see your book on bookstore shelves. Sometimes, we just want to finish the story.

To reach our creative, magnificent goals, we must all have one purpose that drives us towards our goal, whether its just to type the words THE END or it’s to sell autographed copies around the world. This one purpose, this one goal is the driving force behind every word you type and every action you take to reach your final destination.

So, how do we find our why? How do we find our purpose?

Let’s look at 3 questions we can ask ourselves to begin this process:

  1. What am I willing to struggle for?
    • Example answers: Money, Freedom to be my own boss, improving my family situation, freedom to travel, etc…
    • Writing your story will present challenges along the way. You’ll want to be able to look bak quickly and say to yourself: I need to get out of my shitty corporate job and make a name for myself. I am willing to struggle to get there.
  2. How does my goal serve others?
    • Example answers: Brings joy to children (if writing a children’s book), make people think, teach others, raises awareness, etc…
    • Personally, I love to think about my readers enjoying my art. Getting lost in the world. Maybe helping someone escape from their reality for a short time.
    • The PURPOSE is not always about ME. It’s not always about “what do I want?” – to be successful, we must find the joy in the serving. We must TRULY believe that our story/book/creative art could potentially change someone’s life.
  3. Why do I write?
    • As writers, sometimes we forget why we even write. Does it bring you joy? happiness? fill your cup? What does it do for you to make you want to jump out of bed every morning at an ungodly hour to write your book? This changes over time, as well. Maybe when you were a child you loved creating your own world and getting lost in making up characters and it brought you peace. Maybe, as an adult, you write to feel a sense of sanity or you have children that you hope will one day read your work.

While this isn’t an extensive list of questions to ask yourself to find your purpose. It’s a start. I suggest writing down your ultimate goals and your answers to the questions above.

Create a bubble map of sorts, let your mind flow freely as it discovers to truly align your goals with your purpose for doing what you are doing.

I promise you, when you feel those feelings of under-motivation, of doubt, of imposter syndrome, it will be that much easier to turn away from those negative thoughts. Think about your purpose. Remember WHY. Put it on a sticky note and leave it where you can see it every day. You can and will accomplish your wildest dreams!




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